Tuesday, August 17, 2010


WOW!  For a person who prefers painting to computing, I must say that I am very excited with the idea of sharing my painting thoughts with you.  I think of this as a diary.  As with all writing, just expressing yourself can bring about new ideas.  As I blog about my painting, I feel sure I will be turning myself on to new endeavors in art or possibly expanding a feeling I want to portray.  If you wish to share in my thought process,  I will be delighted.

The above painting shares my love of coastal low country.  It is a fall/early winter scene.  I worked to show you the warm golden light of autumn in the South while the cool light of winter is nearly there.  I am also saying this is my favorite time for marsh viewing.  The water grasses have all turned straw colors, leaves are different colors.  The "everything is green" of summer is over.  I like the variables. 

This painting is an oil on board.    CAROLINA MARSH  

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